Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The First READ THIS! Author Q&A of the Year and More!

It's Almost My Birthday!

Halfway through January, aka the first couple of weeks of the new year, and things are hopping as always. 

My birthday is the 25th and I look forward to celebrating it, mostly by eating out at favorite restaurants. 

Unlike last month, the READ THIS! Author Q&A is on the correct week, as in this coming Thursday. It's going to be another fun one you don't want to miss. So let's get to it, shall we? We shall!

January 2024 READ THIS! Author Q&A
January's READ THIS! author Q&A featuring Guest Author Hal Bodner 
will be on Thursday,
January 18, 2024
from 9pm-10pm Eastern.

Access to Discord is available worldwide, and everyone is invited to attend!

You do not need to be a Discord member/user to attend:
Use this link https://discord.gg/GYpzD25JvW to go directly to the chat room!

(You also don't need to have finished the book to join in the fun. We authors know that everyone reads at their own pace and we just want to hang out with you guys and have some good times!)

Once in, you'll get to join in the fun of asking authors about their "process" and more. PLUS, one lucky winner will get February's READ THIS! selection for FREE! I know! It's too happy to be true! But true it is, so don't miss out!

(You must be present in the chat to win.
Physical copies U.S. only; ebook copies worldwide.)
January 2024 READ THIS! Selection
The READ THIS! Selection for January 2024 is: 

The Trouble With Hairy
By Hal Bodner

Gini's Take: Another fun and funny outing to a paranormal West Hollywood where the city coroner and her vampire bestie have to once again save the day against what seems to be a werewolf on a rampage. 

About the Author: Hal Bodner is best known for writing hilarious paranormal featuring fluffy vampires with real bite. He writes paranormal romance and is working on a series of thrillers which paint classic noir with a lavender glaze, and has two fun and funny superhero novels available from Crossroads Press.
February's READ THIS! Selection

And Remember: One Lucky Q&A Participant can win it early!

The READ THIS! Selection for February 2024 is: 


Reel to Real Love
By Elle E. Ire


The Dawning of the New West is a mosaic novel collecting the first three stories of The New West (The Darkening, When Josie Comes Home, and Deacon's Ark). And this puppy is live and available where the bookie wookies are sold!


The Happy Acres Haunted Hotel for Active Seniors is one of my best-loved stories. But now, it's not in a volume all alone. NOW it's combined with every other humorous SF/F short I've written that aren't a part of the Alien Series (and yes, I promise, The Alien Collection is still coming). Get all of the fun in one place! The book is live and you can get your copy today!

The Disciple and Other Stories of the Paranormal, by moi writing as Jemma Chase, has indeed been available elsewhere. But now it has additional never-before-seen stories and a lovely forward from author Hal Bodner (Bite Cluband I'm super excited it's getting a new lease on life, so to speak. Get your copy today!
It's a new year and a new "I'm not quite done" message. BUT, I'm so close to done that I'm willing to say that all y'all can start expecting the Official News Of Goodness much sooner than later. (And now I wince and duck, waiting for what 2024 will throw at me for my hubris in sharing that I'm excited to be this close to turning the book in.)

So, watch this space, I have all the digits crossed that the information here is going to be new and different soon, quite soon...

Read Out Loud!

Do you have your copy of the Touched by an Alien audiobook yet? If not, don't wait! Grab yours today and start your year right!
Speaking of Reading Out Loud...

Graphic Audio has renewed the contract for The Legend of Belladonna, Part 1: Natural Born Outlaws, by moi writing as A.E. Stanton. If you haven't grabbed this fantastic audiobook, don't delay, grab it today!

So many bookie wookies, so much time to catch up on all of them while waiting for Aliens Like Us and the next READ THIS! selection. Check out my Bookstore for all the things!
That's it for today, but, never fear, another Update, including details for the next READ THIS! selection, will be arriving in a couple of weeks!

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, remember we're all in this together, be kind to one another, give love and support to all those who are on the front lines in any capacity, hope this next year gives all of you much joy and goodness, and let's be readers out there. Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch all y'all on the flip side!

Love, Gini

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