Patriotic Catching Up, Or Something Like That
Happy Day Before the Big US Holiday!
Yes, it's the US Independence Day tomorrow, and those of us in the US have big plans to eat mass quantities and make lots and lots of noise. But before then, there's lots to catch all y'all up on, and I have much to do before I sleep and all that jazz. So let's get to it!
First up, the July issue of Penumbra eMagazine is already in the hands of those who've taken advantage and gotten their subscription. This month's issue features another Alien series short story, "Mr. Dash Saves the World".
If you haven't taken advantage of the half-price for a year's worth of awesome stories deal, there's still time. Just enter 2014Gini when you order, and you'll get the deal, PLUS the 2012 and 2013 Year's Best of Penumbra issues. Such a deal. And there's a third Alien series short coming in November. Truly, get on board NOW.
And yes, if you missed out, you can still get back issues, like the May issue featuring "Alien on the Runway".
Next, check out the awesome cover for the next cool anthology I'm going to be in -- Two Hundred and Twenty-One Baker Streets: An Anthology of Holmesian Tales Across Time and Space. It's available for pre-order and it's going to be a totally cool anthology -- every author was allowed to take Holmes and Watson and put them anywhere, any time, any how. Yes, it's moi writing a straight mystery, and this is going to be an anthology you don't want to miss! It's releasing October 7th, so make sure you've got your copy heading to you by pre-ordering!
Speaking of pre-ordering, I've seen the cover for Universal Alien and it is STELLAR! Can't reveal it yet, but rest assured that I will as soon as I possibly can, because it's da BOMB! And, since you'll be racing off to pre-order the 221 B anthology, do your girl a solid and pre-order Universal Alien at the same time. Because pre-orders matter a lot, yes they do.

Next up, see what Fresh Fiction thought of Alien Collective. Then see what Larissa's Bookish Life chose as her top 5 books of the first half of 2014. After that, head over to see what John DeNardo of SF Signal has to say over at Kirkus Reviews about the SF&F Merry-Go-Round.
In other audible news, the Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters anthology, with a story by moi writing as J.C. Koch, is now available in audiobook format! As is Alexander Outland: Space Pirate by moi writing as G.J. Koch. AND as is Touched by an Alien by moi writing as moi. I know! All the listening you can do!
Speaking of Touched by an Alien, check out the headline True TV chose for the new Halle Berry series, "Extant". No, this isn't my announcement that the series has gone Hollywood (sadly LOL). I just think it's funny. And last but in no way least, for the aspiring authors out there, some words of wisdom from Jennifer Crusie on the publishing part of this business we call show.
That's it for today, but as always, more's on the way. For those of you celebrating the 4th, have fun, be good, and be careful. Everyone everywhere enjoy the weekend to the fullest, and I'll catch all of you on the flip side. Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and let's be firework level readers out there!

First up, the July issue of Penumbra eMagazine is already in the hands of those who've taken advantage and gotten their subscription. This month's issue features another Alien series short story, "Mr. Dash Saves the World".

If you haven't taken advantage of the half-price for a year's worth of awesome stories deal, there's still time. Just enter 2014Gini when you order, and you'll get the deal, PLUS the 2012 and 2013 Year's Best of Penumbra issues. Such a deal. And there's a third Alien series short coming in November. Truly, get on board NOW.
And yes, if you missed out, you can still get back issues, like the May issue featuring "Alien on the Runway".

Speaking of pre-ordering, I've seen the cover for Universal Alien and it is STELLAR! Can't reveal it yet, but rest assured that I will as soon as I possibly can, because it's da BOMB! And, since you'll be racing off to pre-order the 221 B anthology, do your girl a solid and pre-order Universal Alien at the same time. Because pre-orders matter a lot, yes they do.

Next up, see what Fresh Fiction thought of Alien Collective. Then see what Larissa's Bookish Life chose as her top 5 books of the first half of 2014. After that, head over to see what John DeNardo of SF Signal has to say over at Kirkus Reviews about the SF&F Merry-Go-Round.
In other audible news, the Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters anthology, with a story by moi writing as J.C. Koch, is now available in audiobook format! As is Alexander Outland: Space Pirate by moi writing as G.J. Koch. AND as is Touched by an Alien by moi writing as moi. I know! All the listening you can do!
Speaking of Touched by an Alien, check out the headline True TV chose for the new Halle Berry series, "Extant". No, this isn't my announcement that the series has gone Hollywood (sadly LOL). I just think it's funny. And last but in no way least, for the aspiring authors out there, some words of wisdom from Jennifer Crusie on the publishing part of this business we call show.
That's it for today, but as always, more's on the way. For those of you celebrating the 4th, have fun, be good, and be careful. Everyone everywhere enjoy the weekend to the fullest, and I'll catch all of you on the flip side. Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and let's be firework level readers out there!
Labels: Alexander Outland, Alien Collective, Alien on the Runway, Fresh Fiction, gini koch, Kirkus Reviews, Mr. Dash Saves the World, Penumbra, Touched by an Alien, Two Hundred Twenty-One Baker Streets, Universal Alien
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