Monday, August 16, 2021

August's READ THIS! Q&A Deets and Much More!

Hey there!

We're on the downward side of summer...well, depending on where you are, that is. For some of us (*cough* those in Hell's Orientation Are and Hotlanta, for starters *cough*) it'll be hot for a lot longer than the rest of this month. But I digress (hey humidity will do that to a girl)...

The READ THIS! Super Author Extravaganza Q&A is only a few days away! Plus we have a lot of other cool things, so keep on scrolling and let's get right to it all, shall we? We shall!

August 2021 READ THIS! Author Q&A
August's READ THIS! author Q&A with Guest Host Hal Bodner featuring Moi and a host of other Zombies Need Brains authors, will be on
Thursday, August 19, 2021
from 9pm-10pm Eastern.

Access to Discord is available worldwide, and everyone is invited to attend!

You do not need to be a Discord member/user to attend:
Use this link to go directly to the chat room!

(You also don't need to have finished the book to join in the fun. We authors know that everyone reads at their own pace and we just want to hang out with you guys and have some good times!)

Once in, you'll get to join in the fun of asking authors about their "process" and more. PLUS, one lucky winner will get September's READ THIS! selection for FREE! I know! It's too happy to be true! But true it is, so don't miss out!

(You must be present in the chat to win.
Physical copies U.S. only; ebook copies worldwide.)
August 2021 READ THIS! Selection
The READ THIS! Selection for August 2021 is: 

"Saving Sallie Ruth"
Featured in the Derelict anthology
By Gini Koch writing as Anita Ensal

Gini's Take: In an anthology dedicated to derelicts of all kinds, "Saving Sallie Ruth" proves that "bedtime stories" are always rooted in truth...and the truth can set you free...or kill you. Set in my Belters universe, where magic doesn't exist. Or does it? 

About the Author: It's me! But since I'm writing this story as Anita Ensal, check out the deets about this particular alter ego.

Anita Ensal has always been intrigued by the possibilities inherent in myths and legends and she likes to find both the fantastical element in the mundane and the ordinary component within the incredible. She writes in all areas of speculative fiction with stories in many fine anthologies out now and upcoming, including Love and Rockets and Boondocks Fantasy from DAW Books, Guilds & GlaivesPortals, and Derelict from Zombies Need Brains, Gunfight on Europa Station from Baen Books, A Dying Planet from Flame Tree Press, The Book of Exodi from Eposic, The Reinvented Heart from CAEZIK SF & Fantasy, and the novella, A Cup of Joe. You can reach Anita (aka Gini Koch) at her website, Fantastical Fiction (
September's READ THIS! Selection

And Remember: One Lucky Q&A Participant can win it early!

The READ THIS! Selection for September 2021 is: 

Fabulous in Tights
by Hal Bodner

It's Kickstarter Time!

That's right, it's time for the latest Zombies Need Brains Anthologies! There are three of them, and I'll have a story in Brave New Worlds. And YOU can be in it! Yes you can. I'm offering Tuckerizations (where you get to give me a name, say...yours, and I make that name into a character...that might be you...or might not, depending) meaning you can get into one of my stories! 

True Confession: Most authors kill off their tuckers. I tend to keep most of mine alive (barring the story needing them dead) and they live on in whichever universe I put them in. So, immortality can be yours! Plus, there's an Alien Series tuckerization up for grabs as well, so if you want to get into the Kittyverse (and likely stay in it), head over and find out how!

There are a lot of cool incentives and rewards in addition to your chance to join Team Tuckerization, so don't miss out on these great anthologies, get in on the Kickstarter TODAY!

Guess who's an author guest at Multiverse? That's right, your girl is! Multiverse is a very fun, very warm and welcoming con and I'm excited to be a part of it again this year. I'd love to see all y'all there, so if you can make it to Hotlanta in October, come to this con and have a blast!
Baen Books is offering e-ARCs for the Gunfight on Europa Station anthology, which features "Showdown on Big Rock 27" by moi writing as Anita Ensal. 

e-ARCs are NOT the final product, but all the stories are complete (though you may spot errors, since most ARCs are uncorrected or not fully corrected). But it's a cool opportunity for those who want to get their paws on this puppy months before official release. So, if that's you, get your copy today and enjoy!
Because I get asked this daily (often multiple times daily)...

Yes, Aliens Like Us IS coming, but...

No, Aliens Like Us still isn't ready for Prime Time, but...

I'm writing like a crazed wolverine (and yes, all the other projects aren't distractions, they KEEP me writing) so...

Fear not, Kitty & Company will be back later than you want but sooner than you think...

I promise.

So many bookie wookies, so much time to catch up on all of them while waiting for Aliens Like Us and the next READ THIS! selection. Check out my Bookstore and Bibliography for all the things!
That's it for today but, never fear, another Update, including next month's READ THIS! selection, will be arriving in a couple of weeks!

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, remember we're all in this together, be kind to one another, give love and support to all those who are on the front lines in any capacity, and let's be readers out there. Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch all y'all on the flip side!

Love, Gini

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Blogger Gini Koch said...

YES. That is almost ready to go. I have ONE story that I have to finish (and you want that story, trust me), then it will be ready to go. I have no idea when that will be, but it The Alien Collection IS coming, I promise.

September 16, 2021 at 8:40 PM  

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