Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September's READ THIS! Book of the Month Plus a Whole Lot More!

Happy Start of Fall!

I mean, I guess. It's still hot as blazes in many areas, but for those where you're seeing the leaves turn different colors, congrats!

This month's READ THIS! selection is a whole lot of fun, and we have even more fun to share as well. So let's get to it, shall we? We shall!


A Book Club by Moi for All Y'all

Welcome to READ THIS! A Book Club by Gini Koch. This is my chance to introduce you to some great authors that I love and know you will, too.

Every month I'll spotlight a book and, even better...every month I'll host a live discussion with the author, that all y'all can join! I know, it's too happy to be true, but true it is!

September 2021 READ THIS! Selection

The READ THIS! Selection for September 2021 is: 

Fabulous in Tights
By Hal Bodner

Gini's Take: A fun and funny take on the superhero genre, with real heart and soul. The Whirlwind is someone Kitty would love to hang out with, and if that's not the highest praise I can give, I don't know what is.

About the Author: Hal Bodner is best known for writing hilarious paranormal featuring fluffy vampires with real bite. He writes paranormal romance and is working on a series of thrillers which paint classic noir with a lavender glaze, and has the second in his fun and funny Whirlwind superhero novels coming from Crossroads Press in 2021. Find him at
September 2021 READ THIS! Author Q&A
So, you've read the READ THIS! selection and you want to share what you thought with the author, hang out with them and Gini, and generally talk books for an hour. Well, guess what? You can!

The third Thursday of every month will be READ THIS! Author Q&A time. The event will be held utilizing Discord, and the invitation to Gini's READ THIS! room will come out in the week prior to the chat.

And that's not all! Near the end of each Q&A session, we'll be doing a raffle and one lucky winner will get a copy of the next month's READ THIS! selection! (You must be present in the Q&A to win. Physical book prizes will be U.S. only. Ebook prizes will be worldwide.)
September's READ THIS! author Q&A with Hal Bodner will be on
Thursday, September 16, 2021
from 9pm-10pm Eastern.

Access to Discord is available worldwide, and everyone is invited to attend!
October's READ THIS! Selection

And Remember: One Lucky Q&A Participant can win it early!

The READ THIS! Selection for October 2021 is: 

The Invisible Heroine
a Poetry Collection
By Phyllis Hemann

Because I get asked this daily (often multiple times daily)...

Yes, Aliens Like Us IS coming, but...

No, Aliens Like Us still isn't ready for Prime Time, but...

I'm writing like a crazed wolverine (and yes, all the other projects aren't distractions, they KEEP me writing) so...

Fear not, Kitty & Company will be back later than you want but sooner than you think...

I promise.

It's (Still!) Kickstarter Time!

That's right, the latest Zombies Need Brains Anthologies Kickstarter is still going strong for a few more days! There are three of them, and I'll have a story in Brave New Worlds. And YOU can be in it! Yes you can. I'm offering tuckerizations (where you get to give me a name, say...yours, and I make that name into a character...that might be you...or might not, depending) meaning you can get into one of my stories! 

True Confession: Most authors kill off their tuckers. I tend to keep most of mine alive (barring the story needing them dead) and they live on in whichever universe I put them in. So, immortality can be yours! Plus, there's an Alien Series tuckerization up for grabs as well, so if you want to get into the Kittyverse (and likely stay in it), head over and find out how!

There are a lot of cool incentives and rewards in addition to your chance to join Team Tuckerization, so don't miss out on these great anthologies -- get in on the Kickstarter TODAY!

Aspiring Authors: The call has opened for unsolicited stories, so check out the information and see if you have what it takes to get into a ZNB antho!
Speaking of anthologies and Kickstarters and all that jazz, the Yap is Large and In Charge over at TG Geeks, so tune in for some fun chat wherein I talk about a variety of things, including but not limited to the many voices in my head...

You know cover artists are cool, right? Well, here's a chance to "meet" one of mine, the wonderful John Stanko, as he discusses his process for the creation of the cover for Alexander Outland: Space Pirate in "The Art of the Book Cover" for Digital Commons @ University of South Florida.

He has some pretty nice things to say about the book, too. :-D (And yes, he pronounces my last name wrong, but he's a great artist, so I forgive him.)

That's right, it's time for more ConTinual panels featuring the Yap large and in charge!

The newest additions are Characters in the Public Domain, where I and several other awesome authors talk about writing characters we love that someone else created, and Hot Off the Press (#54), where we're discussing new and upcoming releases. Don't miss 'em!

And don't miss these other cool panels I've run the yap on:
Breaking Down the Genres
Economics in World Building
Horror and Romance
Sherlockian Mystery
Sherlock Returns
Christmas in July Holiday Short Reads

There's a whole lot more over at the ConTinual YouTube page, so browse around and get your panel fixes in!
That's it for today but, never fear, another Update, including the Discord Q&A chat invitation, will be arriving in a couple of weeks!

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, remember we're all in this together, be kind to one another, give love and support to all those who are on the front lines in any capacity, and let's be readers out there. Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch you on the flip side!

Love, Gini

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