Happy Everythings
Happy Hump Day!
For those of us in the US, and those who are from the US but are elsewhere, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Other countries do this, too, and something that's great about this holiday is that we try to stop and remember what we're thankful for. I'll get to my list in a bit, but before that, there's some things to catch all y'all up on, so let's get to those!
First up, the first review of Alien Research is in! See what Larissa's Bookish Life thought of it. (And it's still not too late to pre-order your copy, either online or from your local bookstore, including any bookstore I'm going to be visiting in the next few weeks.)
Next up, In Medias Res is doing a big, month-long giveaway that includes a lot of authors, including yours truly. Check it out and, good news, there are plenty of prizes that are open to international winners! Check every Friday in December for new authors (my giveaways will be on Dec. 20th) and more chances to win!
Speaking of winning, you still have time to enter to win an Alien Research two-fer from Project Paranormal. Don't miss out on this great contest!
Speaking again of winning, more winners were announced (in the blog entries below), so if you even think you've entered something, scroll down and check them out. And while you're wandering, the website has had some more things done to it (that's the technical term, per what Team Gini tells me), so check it out, too!
My ePublisher, Musa Publishing, is doing some huge deals over this coming week, so check early and often to see what great books you can get for even greater prices!
Alert Member of the Alien Collective in Very Good Standing Shawn spotted these two articles at Tor.com that I thought were quite interesting -- Sleeps With Monsters and Can We Stop Sorting Ourselves.
On to some things I'm thankful for. I'm thankful my house didn't burn down with everything I own, including everything I was writing, in it. But my friend, and Member of the Alien Collective in Very Good Standing, Beth Bartlett wasn't so lucky. She and her husband, and their pets, are all okay, but they have nothing left. If you are able to make any monetary donations to help, a fund has been set up for the family at Community First Bank through Karen Halper (479.253.0566), or directly to Beth via Paypal to egbartlett@earthlink.net.
What else am I thankful for? Many things, most of the usual -- family, friends, health, career. But I'm also very thankful for all of you. You're all, hands down, the best fans in the world, and I'm thankful every day that you all chose to come along on the wild rides that Kitty & Company, and all my other characters, like to take you on. Sure, I'd still do it without you, but it just wouldn't be nearly as much fun.
Peace out and Happy Thanksgiving to all my li'l gangstas who celebrate, happy rest of the week and weekend to everyone else, those who indulge in Black Friday madness enjoy yourselves, thanks to those who are working at whatever jobs tomorrow and this weekend, and let's all have a safe and wonderful end to November. Be happy readers out there, and I'll catch you on the flip side! And I leave you with this...a picture of Kitty's cat... ;-D
P.S. Happy Hanukkah! Yeah, yeah, I'm a bad Jew. I forgot. BUT I remembered BEFORE it started. So that's something, right? Right? Happy 8 Crazy Nights to all, from Sol, Angela, and Kitty & Company!
For those of us in the US, and those who are from the US but are elsewhere, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Other countries do this, too, and something that's great about this holiday is that we try to stop and remember what we're thankful for. I'll get to my list in a bit, but before that, there's some things to catch all y'all up on, so let's get to those!

Next up, In Medias Res is doing a big, month-long giveaway that includes a lot of authors, including yours truly. Check it out and, good news, there are plenty of prizes that are open to international winners! Check every Friday in December for new authors (my giveaways will be on Dec. 20th) and more chances to win!
Speaking of winning, you still have time to enter to win an Alien Research two-fer from Project Paranormal. Don't miss out on this great contest!

Speaking again of winning, more winners were announced (in the blog entries below), so if you even think you've entered something, scroll down and check them out. And while you're wandering, the website has had some more things done to it (that's the technical term, per what Team Gini tells me), so check it out, too!
My ePublisher, Musa Publishing, is doing some huge deals over this coming week, so check early and often to see what great books you can get for even greater prices!
Alert Member of the Alien Collective in Very Good Standing Shawn spotted these two articles at Tor.com that I thought were quite interesting -- Sleeps With Monsters and Can We Stop Sorting Ourselves.
On to some things I'm thankful for. I'm thankful my house didn't burn down with everything I own, including everything I was writing, in it. But my friend, and Member of the Alien Collective in Very Good Standing, Beth Bartlett wasn't so lucky. She and her husband, and their pets, are all okay, but they have nothing left. If you are able to make any monetary donations to help, a fund has been set up for the family at Community First Bank through Karen Halper (479.253.0566), or directly to Beth via Paypal to egbartlett@earthlink.net.
What else am I thankful for? Many things, most of the usual -- family, friends, health, career. But I'm also very thankful for all of you. You're all, hands down, the best fans in the world, and I'm thankful every day that you all chose to come along on the wild rides that Kitty & Company, and all my other characters, like to take you on. Sure, I'd still do it without you, but it just wouldn't be nearly as much fun.

P.S. Happy Hanukkah! Yeah, yeah, I'm a bad Jew. I forgot. BUT I remembered BEFORE it started. So that's something, right? Right? Happy 8 Crazy Nights to all, from Sol, Angela, and Kitty & Company!
Labels: Alien Collective, Alien Research, book giveaway, gini koch, In Medias Res, Larissa's Bookish Life, Musa Publishing, Project Paranormal, Team Gini, Thanksgiving, Tor.com
Great giveaway / contest.
I hope I can have similar giveaway like this too.
Hope everyone enjoy it. Good luck.
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