Researching Winners
If you didn't enter, read on anyway, because, as my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, there's going to be a reason for you to continue on. Trust me. (Think: Lightning Round... ;-D)
But before then, we have a few other things going on. Head over to Slice of SciFi and see what I think of Season 2 of the Legend of Korra.
Then remember to get entered to win an Alien Research two-fer over at
Project Paranormal.
Speaking of Alien Research, check out Deathless Prose where an excerpt (the opener and first chapter) is up to whet your appetite for the bookie wookie. (Releases Dec. 3rd -- and it's still not too late to do your girl a solid and pre-order your copy, either online or directly from your bookstore of choice!)
Speaking of the website, we have updates on Free Stuff and Sightings in the Wild -- yes, it's true, Team Gini got Sightings revised BEFORE the End of Days (don't faint). There's more coming on both those pages, and others on the website, so keep the eyeballs peeled.
We're down to the last few days to fund the Winter in the City Kickstarter anthology. If you haven't added in yet, take a look -- lots of cool authors are slated for this one!
And, because this just really resonated with me for some strange reason ;-D, check out 14 Ways to Tick off a Writer over at The Penguin Press.

Beth Blanchard
Marybelle Gann
Chelene Ho
Barbara Elness
I loved all the comments all y'all sent in your emails and in the Blog comments, and it was really hard to choose who was going to score the extra prize. However, the Special Winner prize is going to the person who went above and beyond and assigned names and full on descriptions to Christopher's Patented Glares -- Melissa Katano
NOTE FOR WINNERS: You MUST send me an email with your first & last name, full mailing address including country, and how/who you want the book personalized (name, nickname, someone else, etc.) to by Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013. If I haven't heard from you by the end of the day on the 24th, the Gods of Random will demand a new sacrifice, the prize will be pulled back, and given to another entrant.
But wait...there's more. That's right, and this one's open to anyone OTHER than the 6 who just won today. Anyone, on Hook Me Up! or not, who answers this next question here, at this Blog post, is entered. There's one more copy of Alien Research, and it'll go to the person who gives the reply the Gods of Random like best to this question:
There were lots of really good ideas for which characters should get more in-depth stories about them in some way. So, you all get to vote. Pick who you'd most like to get a back, side, or extra story about (this is not a guarantee, btw, but we all know I write short stories and novellas all the time so...) from these options:
A) How Reader Met Gower
B) Angela Fiore, Teen SuperSpy
C) A Week in the Life of Malcolm Buchanan
This contest addendum is live through Sunday, Nov. 24th and the winner will be picked and announced on Monday, Nov. 25th. Be SURE that I have a way to contact you (leave your email address in your comment if at all possible), or else you'll need to monitor the Blog every day. As with the rest, yes this is open internationally, and same rules and restrictions apply, so check out the main contest post (below) for all that info.
That's it for today, but as always, more's on the way! So enjoy the downward slide towards the weekend and let's be readers out there! Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch you on the flip side!
Labels: Alien Research, book excerpt, contest winner, Deathless Prose, Free Stuff, gini koch, Hook Me Up, Kickstarter, Project Paranormal, Sightings in the Wild, Slice of SciFi, Team Gini, The Penguin Press
Such great options! A love story or a spy story? Can't I choose them all?! If I have to pick one, I'll pick the Angela story.
I pick A) How Reader met Gower :)
Congrats to the ones who already won!!
Ooh, I pick Option C!!!!! Then I can picture Nathan Fillion while reading it, and that is always a good thing *grin*
And I wanted to say that, while obscenely jealous, I have to agree with the extra prize going to Melissa - the names and descriptions were spot on as far as my imagination is concerned :D
I will have to vote for A!
Really hard options, A - How Reader Met Gower always wanted to know more in depth how they came to be or C - Week in the Life of Malcolm Buchanan what does he really think of all this fuss. Decisions, Decisions chose A no C no A how bout both (HINT HINT)
Option C, cause it's always fun reading a character's life
smile_1773 at yahoo dot com
How Reader Met Gower!
How Reader met Gower, because I'm sure there was a surprise in that one!
How Reader met Gower, because I'm sure there was a surprise in that one!
C) a week in the life of Michael Buchanan...
I want a complete book about it ^^
A) How Reader Met Gower. I love those two and it would be so great to hear more about them!
Ouch! You'll do them all, right? I want to know C for my own curiosity, but A is more in line with the series. B is just not alien-oriented enough, unless Kitty's mom knew about SF-on-Earth back then? I'd have loved to see her reaction to ACs! For poll purposes, put me down for C though. What do gods of random accept as tribute?
Totally have to pick Angela, just because I think she'd kick some real major ass. A) wouldn't be a bad option either, but I'm seriously a fan of women who kick ass and take names. Yeah Gini, it's me. And if I win, while signed dead trees are cool, I'd just love an ebook, because, well, I could seriously read that a lot sooner. buddy (at) brannan (daught) name
I have to say C! I need to know more about Dr. Strange! Gratz to all current winners and good luck everyone!
Gini I would be happy with anything you wrote but I would be ecstatic with ( C ).I love that dude!!!
Oh and Gini I love your installment book, The Creation Agent.Just discovered it.
Reader and Gower. Should be a great story.
C) A Week in the Life of Malcolm Buchanan
The life of the characters is libel to be ful of laughs and surprises, so chasracter development. ebooks are nice. And i could so see Aliens comics.
Ohhhhh How Reader Met Gower for sure! That has to be a great story...actually they all sound good :)
Can't wait to read Alien Research!
I would pick C) A Week in the Life of Malcolm Buchanan - hey inquiring minds want to know ;)
Yes, please.
A) How Reader Met Gower
B) Angela Fiore, Teen SuperSpy
C) A Week in the Life of Malcolm Buchanan
A or B if I *have* to choose.
And if you make me narrow it down, I'd say Buchanan, because he's part of the every-day team, but we know the least about him.
I'd like to hear about the adventures of all the computer hackers, past, present, and future, too.
~~Shelia Horne
How Reader Met Gower! Wanna read more about them
An easy pick:A) How Reader Met Gower
Looking forward to it!!!
If I could only pick one it would be B. Then I Would Pick C. Then A. One I would suggest. How Richard White an d his sisters married into the Royal family of Alpha Centari. There has to be a good story there.
Need yo read instructions in full.
How Reader met Gower, definitely.
How Reader met Gower
I pick C, Mallcolm just facinates me, I really want to know where he goes when he's not with Kitty.
decisions, decisions....argh...A or C...A or C.....Fine! I'll pick........C.
Oh, definitely have to see what Malcolm goes through in a week.
Oh. My. Gosh! All of the above please!
BUT if I am cruelly forced to choose.. it would be option B. Or maybe A... Possibly C. No B. 'Aghh! I love them all!
congratulations to all those who won! I know you're going to be spoiled. :D \
jesse (dot) ivanoff@ gmail (dot) com
A- How Reader met Gower.
I'm going to pick C just cause I need to know more about him. Seems like he is being purposely mysterious.
scrtsbpat at yahoo dot com
I would pick option C - a week in the life of Malcolm Buchanan. the reasons I chose this selection over the other 2, which also interest me, is because we see a scene of Malcolm here, another there, but we don't have any in-depth background or current private life info on the man, and I want it!
Backstory! Option A :)
Congrats to the winners :)
How Reader met Gower is what I would like to see!
How Reader Met Gower would be my first choice!
How Reader met Gower - no contest there!
I would pick A
Hmm tough choice between A and C but I love Reader so let's go with
A) How Reader Met Gower
beckerjo at verizon dot net
I pick A.
How Reader Met Gower.
Gini Koch, you are an evil, evil woman to make us try and choose something like this! Unable to choose myself, I decided to put it to the Wild Bunch. Malcolm's ballot is under the bed, lost amoung the dust bunnies - er, POOFS, those are poofs I swear. Yeti ran off with Angela's ballot - chasing it all over the house, proving himself a worthy advisary. Mama took Reader and Gower's ballot to her bed - gtooming it, then laying on it happily purring. Apparently, they can't decide either.
Honestly, I want them all! How could I not? Each possible story pulls at a different heartstring. But whichever story you choose to write will be amazing and we will love it!
{smoochies} bejeweledcat
I have to go for A would ,love love to know how theses 2 lovers met
It is a toss up for me.I really want to know more about Reader and Gower but I would also love to hear about Angela and her adventures. But then I think everything you write is great so which ever one is picked would be great.
Congratulations Lisa Sperry (jlhsperry624@hotmail), the Gods of Random have spoken and you're the winner! See today's (11-25) blog post for instructions...and the reply order to claim the prize!
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