Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Roundup

Happy Monday! We have much in store for you today, but first, a PSA that's somewhat near and dear to my heart. In more ways than one.

I had my annual mammogram today. I know, I know, TMI and ugh, right? Well...maybe. But I love each and every one of you, and breast health is vital for women, meaning all of you who are women and all of you who love the women in your lives need to make sure that you and they get this exam on a regular basis. And by regular I don't mean once a decade. Is it painless? Well, I can tell you for certain that breast cancer is more painful. Is it kind of icky? Can be, but again, early detection saves much icky in the future. So, do your check ups and take care of your bad selves, because the Alien Collective would be greatly lessened by the loss of any of you, and we can't be havin' with that!

Now, PSA over and we're on to the far more fun stuff! First up, and as my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, we have a new review of "Touched by an Alien" from Love 2 Read for Fun. Check that out, then head over to The Book Addict where we have another early review of "Alien Tango"!

Next up, if you're on Goodreads, the nominations are open for Book of the Month for December and if you wanted to vote for "Touched by an Alien", which is one of the nominees, well, I wouldn't tell you not to. ;-D

After voting, head to Ordinary Day and see what she bought with her paycheck. Then hit The Qwillery to see all the December releases, including "Alien Tango" in a nice little listing.

In Person Event Reminders:
December 8, 2010 -- Writer's Workshop Wednesdays at Borders Waterfront, Scottsdale, AZ, 7PM-8:30PM; I'll be presenting "Walking the Line in SFR" as well as signing "Alien Tango", "Touched by an Alien" and, as Anita Ensal, "Love and Rockets".
December 11, 2010 -- spotlight author at the Mysterious Galaxy Holiday Party, San Diego, CA, 6PM - 8PM. Come get your copies of "Alien Tango" and "Love and Rockets", get them signed, and hang out with yours truly at the coolest bookstore around.
March 12 & 13, 2011 -- Tucson Festival of Books, Tucson, AZ; Panel & Book Signing on Sunday, March 13, 1PM-2:30PM
April 2011 -- it's confirmed, I'll be in NY/NJ/PA from April 9th through the 21st. If you're in the area, let me know and we'll figure out how to meet up. Yes, a book signing will be happening, just not sure when or what date(s) yet.

New Swag: We have 2011 calendars available now, up at the Alien Collective Depot. Check 'em out, they're pretty cool, in my totally unbiased opinion!

That's it for today, but I promise there's more coming (like a Combo Con Contest...say THAT 5 times fast -- but only if you're on Hook Me Up! 'cause it's a Hook Me Up! exclusive) so hit the links, leave the Alien Collective love, and count down the days 'til "Alien Tango" hits the shelves and eReaders all over -- what's that, in 14 days? Wow. Two weeks. That's nothing. The time'll fly by. I promise. And if not, well, hey, there is that contest coming to keep you occupied...


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Blogger Brandy said...

Lots of links to check out! Hope your week has started well!

November 23, 2010 at 12:26 AM  
Blogger Gini Koch said...

Thanks, it has (though it'd be better if I was nearer to you and able to score some of that pumpkin bread)! Enjoy all the linkies!

November 23, 2010 at 12:54 PM  

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