Kaijuing Up the Catch Up
I know, I know...I've been back from WorldCon for a week and yet you haven't heard from me. WorldCon was made of awesome, by the way. But I'll catch you up on that later. (And I can HEAR you all going, "Oh yeah? Like you've caught us up on Phoenix Comicon and San Diego Comic-Con and CopperCon? Just like that, Gini?" And I say, "Yeah! Just like that! Only WITH information. Coming soon. I swear!" But I digress...) And there's been so much going on! Well, um, that's part of why you haven't heard from me. LOL Well, that and the combo of jet lag and con lag that have had me moving in molasses. But, enough whining -- let's get to the stuff!
First up, I'm in a new Kickstarter anthology, writing as J.C. Koch, and this one's about monsters! Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters to be exact! There are a ton of cool levels and even more cool horror authors involved, so head on over and fund it today!

After that, head over to The Nameless Zine, where there's an interview with awesome SF/F author L.E. Modesitt, Jr. as well as a review of The Happy Acres Haunted Hotel for Active Seniors in The Book Nook section. Then see what SF Reader has to say about Alien Proliferation.

Then hit Gizmo's Reviews and see who she thinks are the Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters. Speaking of reviews, check out what I thought of "Riddick" over at Slice of SciFi.
And now, for the upcoming events! First off, for those of you in the Central and Northern Arizona areas, I'll be up at the NARWA meeting on Saturday, September 21, doing not one but TWO presentations -- Writing from the Hindbrain at 11am, and Archetypes, Stereotypes & Cliches at 1pm. Join us if you're able, at the Prescott Golf & Country Club, 1030 Prescott Country Club Blvd., Dewey, AZ 86327.
Next up, I'll be doing a live chat with the other members of the Paranormal Dream Team -- Erin Quinn, Erin Kellison, and Caris Roane (like us on Facebook!) -- over at the Literal Addiction Paranormal Book Club, on Thursday, October 10, from 7:00-8:30pm EST. And yes, there WILL be prizes, so don't miss out!
Then, on Saturday, November 9th, it's the 8th Annual FREE Fall Writer's Workshop, where I'll be presenting Finding Your Voice, and will also be on a panel of successful published authors to tell you What Does It Take to be Happily Published Today? The Workshop runs from 9:30am-4:30pm, Scottsdale Civic Center Library, 3839 Drinkwater Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85251. We could charge a lot for this event...but we don't, so be sure you take advantage of all the great education being offered!
That's it for today, but as always, more's on the way. So enjoy the rest of the week and let's be readers out there!

After that, head over to The Nameless Zine, where there's an interview with awesome SF/F author L.E. Modesitt, Jr. as well as a review of The Happy Acres Haunted Hotel for Active Seniors in The Book Nook section. Then see what SF Reader has to say about Alien Proliferation.

Then hit Gizmo's Reviews and see who she thinks are the Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters. Speaking of reviews, check out what I thought of "Riddick" over at Slice of SciFi.
And now, for the upcoming events! First off, for those of you in the Central and Northern Arizona areas, I'll be up at the NARWA meeting on Saturday, September 21, doing not one but TWO presentations -- Writing from the Hindbrain at 11am, and Archetypes, Stereotypes & Cliches at 1pm. Join us if you're able, at the Prescott Golf & Country Club, 1030 Prescott Country Club Blvd., Dewey, AZ 86327.

Then, on Saturday, November 9th, it's the 8th Annual FREE Fall Writer's Workshop, where I'll be presenting Finding Your Voice, and will also be on a panel of successful published authors to tell you What Does It Take to be Happily Published Today? The Workshop runs from 9:30am-4:30pm, Scottsdale Civic Center Library, 3839 Drinkwater Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85251. We could charge a lot for this event...but we don't, so be sure you take advantage of all the great education being offered!
That's it for today, but as always, more's on the way. So enjoy the rest of the week and let's be readers out there!
Labels: Alien Proliferation, gini koch, Gizmo's Reviews, Happy Acres Haunted Hotel for Active Seniors, Kaiju Rising, Kickstarter, L.E. Modesitt, Literal Addiction, Paranormal Dream Team, The Nameless Zine
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