Monday, March 17, 2025

Read This! Author Q&A Deets, Con Recap, and More!

Midway Through March!

St. Patrick's Day is, well, today, so those who want to party, please do so responsibly, because we don't want to lose any of you.

We have the usual stuffs for you, a con recap complete with pics, and the READ THIS! Author Q&A, happening THIS Thursday, with moi as A.E. Stanton. I know, it's too happy to be true! But true it is!

So let's get to it, shall we? We shall!

It's Preorder Time!

Ginger Blue Publishing has asked for another one of my series - The Martian Alliance Chronicles. Which means all y'all will be getting more of this series as we roll along.

The re-release of the first installment, The Royal Scam, is coming on April 22, 2025, with the other installments (including the long-awaited #4, Dr. Wu) coming out later this year!

For those who don't have this series already, you can preorder from
 Amazon, B&N, and the other usual suspects. And please do - I want to be sure Ginger Blue is happy about taking my stuff in-house. 

Speaking of Picking Up Copies...

All of these are available now from Ginger Blue Publishing and available at Amazon, B&, and the rest of the usual suspects. If you haven't grabbed these yet, now's the time!

A group of mystery-solving grandmothers, a daring granddaughter, a surf bum, homeless men, and a mysterious stranger all involved in a series of brutal murders in a sleepy seaside town...
The re-release of my first humor collection, now with bonus funny! Despite what you may have heard or believe, all the stories are true...well, almost all...
The story of the Old West's most notorious female outlaw, the infamous Belladonna. Available in Hardback and ebook. Read the story that started it all...
Stacey Weir didn't mean to become an amateur sleuth. But when her adoptive father's accused of murder, there was only one thing for her to do...
Romantic suspense set in and around New Orleans, now with an (extended) epilogue! (Re-release.)
Mosaic post-apocalyptic novel set in the far future that's reverted to Old West ways, where love, friends, and family are what get you through.
A collection of paranormal tales, with new bonus stories and an introduction from the author of BITE CLUB. (Re-release.)
A collection of all my humorous SF/F/P (non-Alien series) stories, together in one place for the first time!
March 2025 READ THIS! Author Q&A
March's READ THIS! author Q&A with Guest Host Hal Bodner featuring 
Author A.E. Stanton (aka Moi)
will be on
Thursday, March 20, 2025
from 9pm-10pm Eastern.

Access to Discord is available worldwide, and everyone is invited to attend!

You do not need to be a Discord member/user to attend:
Use this link to go directly to the chat room!

(You also don't need to have finished the book to join in the fun. We authors know that everyone reads at their own pace and we just want to hang out with you guys and have some good times!)

Once in, you'll get to join in the fun of asking authors about their "process" and more. PLUS, one lucky winner will get April's READ THIS! selection for FREE! I know! It's too happy to be true! But true it is, so don't miss out!

(You must be present in the chat to win.
Physical copies U.S. only; ebook copies worldwide.)
March 2025 READ THIS! Selection
The READ THIS! Selection for March 2025 is: 

Natural Born Outlaws
The Legend of Belladonna Book 1
by A.E. Stanton

Gini's Take: Well, I'm the author, so my take is that this book is literally the reason I started writing lo these many years ago, and I hope all y'all love Belle and the Pack as much as I do.

About the Authors: Gini Koch started writing in the American Southwest as something to do in between staring at pictures of good-looking leading men, but now sweats out the words, both literally and figuratively, in Hotlanta and dreams of dry heat. 

She’s best known for her award-winning Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series, which started with Touched by an Alien and has sixteen books out currently, with seventeen through twenty-one on the way. 

Gini’s made the most of multiple personality disorder by writing under a variety of other pen names as well, including G.J. Koch (the Alexander Outland series), Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, A.E. Stanton (the New West Series and the Legend of Belladonna series), and J.C. Koch, all with stories featured in excellent anthologies, available now and upcoming. She’s expanded the fun by writing mysteries with co-writer Bebe Bayliss (the Fall's Girl Mysteries and the Santa Paloma Mysteries). 

No matter what length – from science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, space opera, urban fantasy, horror, mystery, thriller, dystopian, Westerns, romantic suspense, and more – if it’s genre, she writes it. 

She’s an avid follower of pop culture, comics, and anything and everything animated. She’s still inspired mostly by good-looking leading men and driven to keep her Canine Death Squad and Killer Kitties in kibble and treats.

Reach her via:
April's READ THIS! Selection

And Remember: One Lucky Q&A Participant can win it early!

The READ THIS! Selection for April 2025 is: 



Speak EZ
By Elle E. Ire

Quick Con Recap
CoastCon was a lot of fun, and so was NOLA right after. For a nice write-up of the con, head over to The Gazebo Gazette for their take. And yes, I plan to be back next year.

And now, photographic proof!
Me and Jamie Garner, ready for the first day of CoastCon!    vvv

And below that, some pics of me with Members of the Alien Collective in Very Good Standing!
Upper Left, me and James Conason. Upper right, me and Jenna Hall. Lower left, me and Rachel R. who was doing a great cosplay of Kitty! Lower right, me on the last day.

Below, lots of NOLA time, most of it spent eating and drinking.

Moi with authors Ken Lange and Jamie Garner.    vvv

The rest are me and Jamie, as my co-writer Bebe Bayliss said, "sloshing our way through the French Quarter." I feel both seen and personally attacked...
Con Season Continues

Somehow, my con season is already literally here. Keep checking this space for where I'll be and all the different ways and places where you can see the me!


Western Science Fiction Association
Phoenix, AZ
April 26-27

Saturday, April 26, 7-9pm
A Reading by Gini Koch

Sunday, April 27, 4-6pm
An Afternoon with Gini Koch

June 20-22
Chattanooga, TN

San Diego Comic-Con
July 23-27
San Diego, CA

Gen Con Writers Symposium
July 31-August 3
Indianapolis, IN

I'm featured at the Gen Con Blog! Take a look and read my interview and check out the other awesome authors who were also interviewed!

August 28-September 1
Atlanta, GA

September 3-7
New Orleans, LA
For those who came in late...

The News went out last Friday, the 14th, to my Hook Me Up! subscribers only. If you aren't on Hook Me Up!, now would DEFINITELY be the time rectify that error. For those who join Hook Me up from March 14th through the 31st, send me an email and I'll forward the info to you.

How to join? The link is at the bottom of most of the pages of my website. (

A Big-Little FYI...

Due to the things happening that the Fast Blast explained (again, seriously, if you aren't on Hook Me Up!, you really NEED to be), Deck the Falls is going to be a little late. Not terribly late (I hope and pray) but it's probably going to slip into April for release. But Book 3 (Cruise the Falls) should be right back on schedule for March 2026. And, as soon as Deck the Falls is finalized, I'll be sharing that news right away!

Read Out Loud!

Do you have your copy of the Touched by an Alien audiobook yet? If not, don't wait! Grab yours today and start your year right!
Speaking of Reading Out Loud...

Graphic Audio has renewed the contract for The Legend of Belladonna, Part 1: Natural Born Outlaws, by moi writing as A.E. Stanton. If you haven't grabbed this fantastic audiobook, don't delay, grab it today!

So many bookie wookies, so much time to catch up on all of them while waiting for all the new stuffs and the next READ THIS! selection. Check out my Bookstore for all the things!
That's it for today, but, never fear, another Update, including details for the next READ THIS! selection, will be arriving in a couple of weeks!

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, remember we're all in this together, be kind to one another, give love and support to all those who are on the front lines in any capacity, hope this year continues to give all of you much joy and goodness, and let's be readers out there. Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch all y'all on the flip side!

Love, Gini

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Monday, March 3, 2025

The READ THIS! BotM, a Cover Reveal, and More!

Happy March!

A belated Blessed Ramadan, an on-time Happy Mardi Gras, and a super early Happy St. Patrick's Day for all who celebrate.

Also, a general reminder that for many of us, the good times of Standard Time are about to end, so a Dreaded Daylight Savings to all! 

We've got some cool stuff, including a book of the month from an author all y'all know well, well...somewhat. Plus a cover reveal, and more!

So let's get to it, shall we? We shall!

Read Out Loud!

Do you have your copy of the Touched by an Alien audiobook yet? If not, don't wait! Grab yours today and start your year right!
Speaking of Reading Out Loud...

Graphic Audio has renewed the contract for The Legend of Belladonna, Part 1: Natural Born Outlaws, by moi writing as A.E. Stanton. If you haven't grabbed this fantastic audiobook, don't delay, grab it today!


A Book Club by Moi for All Y'all

Welcome to READ THIS! A Book Club by Gini Koch. This is my chance to introduce you to some great authors that I love and know you will, too.

Every month I'll spotlight a book and, even better...every month I'll host a live discussion with the author, that all y'all can join! I know, it's too happy to be true, but true it is!

March 2025 READ THIS! Selection

The READ THIS! Selection for March 2025 is: 

Natural Born Outlaws
The Legend of Belladonna Book 1
by A.E. Stanton

Gini's Take: Well, I'm the author, so my take is that this book is literally the reason I started writing lo these many years ago, and I hope all y'all love Belle and the Pack as much as I do.

About the Author: Gini Koch started writing in the American Southwest as something to do in between staring at pictures of good-looking leading men, but now sweats out the words, both literally and figuratively, in Hotlanta and dreams of dry heat. 

She’s best known for her award-winning Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series from DAW Books, which started with Touched by an Alien and has sixteen books out currently, with seventeen through twenty on the way. 

Gini’s made the most of multiple personality disorder by writing under a variety of other pen names as well, including G.J. Koch (the Alexander Outland series), Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, A.E. Stanton (the New West Series and the Legend of Belladonna series), and J.C. Koch, all with stories featured in excellent anthologies, available now and upcoming. She’s expanded the fun by writing mysteries with co-writer Bebe Bayliss (the Fall's Girl Mysteries and the Santa Paloma Mysteries). 

No matter what length – from science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, space opera, urban fantasy, horror, mystery, thriller, dystopian, Westerns, romantic suspense, and more – if it’s genre, she writes it. 

She’s an avid follower of pop culture, comics, and anything and everything animated. She’s still inspired mostly by good-looking leading men and driven to keep her Canine Death Squad and Killer Kitties in kibble and treats.

Reach her via:
March 2025 READ THIS! Author Q&A
So, you've read the READ THIS! selection and you want to share what you thought with the author, hang out with them and Gini, and generally talk books for an hour. Well, guess what? You can!

The third Thursday of every month will be READ THIS! Author Q&A time. The event will be held utilizing Discord, and the invitation to Gini's READ THIS! room will come out in the week prior to the chat.

And that's not all! Near the end of each Q&A session, we'll be doing a raffle and one lucky winner will get a copy of the next month's READ THIS! selection! (You must be present in the Q&A to win. Physical book prizes will be U.S. only. Ebook prizes will be worldwide.)
March's READ THIS! author Q&A 
with Guest Host Hal Bodner featuring
Author A.E. Stanton (aka Moi)
will be on
Thursday, March 20, 2024
from 9pm-10pm Eastern.

Access to Discord is available worldwide, and everyone is invited to attend!
April's READ THIS! Selection

And Remember: One Lucky Q&A Participant can win it early!

The READ THIS! Selection for April 2025 is: 

Speak EZ
By Elle E. Ire

Cover Reveal Time!

The next book in the Fall's Girl Mysteries, Deck the Falls, by moi and Bebe Bayliss, is coming soon from Ginger Blue Publishing! And, to get all y'all ready for it, here's the awesome cover!

Preorder Time!

Ginger Blue Publishing has asked for another one of my series - The Martian Alliance Chronicles. Which means all y'all will be getting more of this series as we roll along.

The re-release of the first installment, The Royal Scam, is coming on April 22, 2025, with the other installments (including the long-awaited #4, Dr. Wu) coming out later this year!

For those who don't have this series already, you can preorder from AmazonB&N, and the other usual suspects. And please do - I want to be sure Ginger Blue is happy about taking my stuff in-house. 

Con Season Beginneth

Somehow, my con season is already literally here. Keep checking this space for where I'll be and all the different ways and places where you can see the me!
March 7-9
Biloxi, MS

Western Science Fiction Association
Phoenix, AZ
April 26-27

Saturday, April 26, 7-9pm
A Reading by Gini Koch

Sunday, April 27, 4-6pm
An Afternoon with Gini Koch

June 20-22
Chattanooga, TN

San Diego Comic-Con
July 23-27
San Diego, CA

Gen Con Writers Symposium
July 31-August 3
Indianapolis, IN

August 28-September 1
Atlanta, GA

September 3-7
New Orleans, LA
For those who came in late...

Yes, it's true, Aliens Like Us is finally done and Kitty and I are super happy with it, as are my beta team, crit partners, and agent.

I will have more news about this coming sometime this month, but it will only be for my Hook Me Up! newsletter subscribers. If you're not on yet, now's definitely the time. It's free, you get all the news first, access to exclusive contests, and more! 

The sign-up is at the bottom of most of the pages of my website, so don't delay, join the Gang today!
So many bookie wookies, so much time to catch up on all of them while waiting for Aliens Like Us and the next READ THIS! selection. Check out my Bookstore for all the things!
That's it for today but, never fear, another Update, including the Discord Q&A chat invitation, will be arriving in a couple of weeks!

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, remember we're all in this together, be kind to one another, give love and support to all those who are on the front lines in any capacity, and let's be readers out there. Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch you on the flip side!

Love, Gini

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