Monday, December 14, 2020

READ THIS Q&A Deets, Happy Holidays, Don't Let 2020 Hit You On the Way Out

Hey there! The end is in sight! 2021 is close to gracing us with its presence and making itself known, so let me wish everyone the happiest of holidays and the most joyous, safe, and prosperous of new years!

There are a variety of ways to see, hear, and interact with the me, starting with this week's READ THIS! Q&A and going on from there! So let's get to it!

December 2020 READ THIS! Author Q&A
December's READ THIS! author Q&A with Moi featuring Guest Host Hal Bodner will be Thursday, December 17, 2020, from 9pm-10pm Eastern.

Access to Discord is available worldwide, and everyone is invited to attend!

You do not need to be a Discord member/user to attend:
Use this link to go directly to the chat room!

(You also don't need to have finished the book to join in the fun. We authors know that everyone reads at their own pace and we just want to hang out with you guys and have some good times!)

Once in, you'll get to join in the fun of asking authors about their "process" and more. PLUS, every attendee will be given a coupon code for a special purchase (see below). AND, one lucky winner will get December's READ THIS! selection for FREE! I know! It's too happy to be true! But true it is, so don't miss out!

(You must be present in the chat to win.
Physical copies U.S. only; ebook copies worldwide.)
December 2020 READ THIS! Selection

The READ THIS! Selection for December 2020 is: 

Plush Life
by Gini Koch

Gini's Take: A standalone (gasp!) romantic suspense novel starring best friends who might be more...if her fiancé doesn't ruin their lives and their livelihood first.

About the Author: It's me! But just in case all y'all have never had the thrill of reading my "short bio", here 'tis in all it's glory

Gini Koch writes the fast, fresh, and funny Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series for DAW Books, as well as many other novels, novellas, novelettes, and short stories, and she’s made the most of multiple personality disorder by writing under a variety of other pen names as well, including G.J. Koch, Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, A.E. Stanton, and J.C. Koch, all with novels, novellas, and/or stories featured in excellent anthologies, available now and upcoming.

January's READ THIS! Selection

And Remember: One Lucky Q&A Participant can win it early!

The READ THIS! Selection for January 2021 is: 

Lost Signals of the Terran Republic anthology
Featuring "The Ellsberg Variations"
by Jean Marie Ward

I Read Aloud! 
And guess what I read FROM?

When asked to do a reading for the start of ConTinual's holiday event, I realized I didn't really have a lot in terms of that theme.

So, instead, I decided to do something that it's likely none of you have ever seen or heard me do. That's right: I'm
 reading aloud from Touched by an Alien for pretty much the first time since 2010 and definitely the first time ever recorded.

So, check it out and enjoy! 

But wait, that's not all!
I'm also on a panel!

Check out my panel on Breaking Down the Genres, featuring moi along with awesome authors Gail Martin, Berta Platas, and Patricia Sargeant, hosted by Jason Tongier!

Now how much would you pay?
Well, there's more, and it's all free!

Not on Facebook for some reason? Want more content to fill the hours? Then check out the ConTinual Convention YouTube channel. My panel and reading are not up there yet, but they will be, and in the meantime, there's loads of great content for you to peruse at your leisure! So head over and enjoy!
So many bookie wookies, so much time to catch up on all of them while waiting for Aliens Like Us and the next READ THIS! selection. Check out my Bookstore and Bibliography for all the things!
That's it for today but, never fear, another Update, including more info about the first READ THIS! selection for 2021, will be arriving in a couple of weeks!

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, remember we're all in this together, be kind to one another, give love and support to all those who are on the front lines in any capacity, and let's be readers out there. Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch some of you at the Q&A and all of you on the flip side of 2020!

Love, Gini

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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Dec. READ THIS! BotM, Gift Ideas, and More!

Hey there! 

Well, December is finally here, and with it the looming end to 2020. Please, no one suggest that 2021 can't be worse, because you know it's just going to tell 2022 to hold its beer. But I digress...

It's time to roll into all the things!


A Book Club by Moi for All Y'all

Welcome to READ THIS! A Book Club by Gini Koch. This is my chance to introduce you to some great authors that I love and know you will, too.

Every month I'll spotlight a book and, even better...every month I'll host a live discussion with the author, that all y'all can join! I know, it's too happy to be true, but true it is!

December 2020 READ THIS! Selection

The READ THIS! Selection for December 2020 is: 

Plush Life
by Gini Koch

Gini's Take: A standalone (gasp!) romantic suspense novel starring best friends who might be more...if her fiancé doesn't ruin their lives and their livelihood first.

About the Author: It's me! But just in case all y'all have never had the thrill of reading my "short bio", here 'tis in all it's glory

Gini Koch writes the fast, fresh, and funny Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series for DAW Books, as well as many other novels, novellas, novelettes, and short stories, and she’s made the most of multiple personality disorder by writing under a variety of other pen names as well, including G.J. Koch, Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase, A.E. Stanton, and J.C. Koch, all with novels, novellas, and/or stories featured in excellent anthologies, available now and upcoming.

December 2020 READ THIS! Author Q&A
So, you've read the READ THIS! selection and you want to share what you thought with the author, hang out with them and Gini, and generally talk books for an hour. Well, guess what? You can!

The third Thursday of every month will be READ THIS! Author Q&A time. The event will be held utilizing Discord, and the invitation to Gini's READ THIS! room will come out in the week prior to the chat.

And that's not all! Near the end of each Q&A session, we'll be doing a raffle and one lucky winner will get a copy of the next month's READ THIS! selection! (You must be present in the Q&A to win. Physical book prizes will be U.S. only. Ebook prizes will be worldwide.)
December's READ THIS! author Q&A with Moi featuring Guest Host Hal Bodner will be on
Thursday, December 17, 2020,
from 9pm-10pm Eastern.

Access to Discord is available worldwide, and everyone is invited to attend!
January's READ THIS! Selection

And Remember: One Lucky Q&A Participant can win it early!

The READ THIS! Selection for January 2021 is: 

Lost Signals of the Terran Republic anthology
Featuring "The Ellsberg Variations"

By Jean Marie Ward
Blast from the past time!

Genre Talk has moved servers and has re-released some of their inaugural podcasts, including one featuring moi. So, if you'd like to hear how things were right around when Aliens Abroad released, and my naiveté about what the future would hold (no, I did NOT see 2020 coming in the way it did), check out Genre Talk
Looking for holiday gifts for yourself and others who love books?
Here are some (totally biased) suggestions!
Speaking of great gift ideas and in case you missed it, I did a reading from my story in A Secret Guide to Fighting Elder Gods, "Pickman's Daughter", by moi writing as J.C. Koch, for the Atlanta Horror Writers Association chapter's Southern Nightmares Reading Series (#4). 

Check it out, then get this cool anthology to get ALL of the story. Plus, you'll get all the other stories in this Stoker Nominated anthology, too. What's not to love?

Because I get asked this daily (often multiple times daily)...

Yes, Aliens Like Us IS coming, but...

No, Aliens Like Us still isn't ready for Prime Time, but...

I'm using the Virus Troubles to git 'er dun, so...

Fear not, Kitty & Company will be back sooner than you think...

I promise.

P.S. Despite what you'd think, pre-orders are still mattering a whole lot, so even though it SAYS it's coming in 2050 or 3000 or something, do your girl a solid and pre-order this book as soon as the various retailers allow it, please and thank you!

P.P.S. The book isn't available for pre-order in most places at the moment, because it's not back on DAW's schedule yet (because, well, see above). This is the (constant) reminder that, when it IS available, it'll help a LOT if you pre-order it. 
Random Randomness

In breaking news, it's been discovered that alligators can regrow their tails. Ktty, Gigantagator, and Alliflash find this exceptionally cool news. Jeff's not so sure...
So many bookie wookies, so much time to catch up on all of them while waiting for Aliens Like Us and the next READ THIS! selection. Check out my Bookstore and Bibliography for all the things!
That's it for today but, never fear, another Update, including the Discord Q&A chat invitation, will be arriving in a couple of weeks!

In the meantime, stay safe and healthy, remember we're all in this together, be kind to one another, give love and support to all those who are on the front lines in any capacity, and let's be readers out there. Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch you on the flip side!

Love, Gini

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