Collective Kaiju
First up, I'm super excited to share a Kaiju-Level Big Reveal: the cover for Alien Collective! Check it out over at my Premieres page! And remember, it's never too early to pre-order, either online or from your favorite bookstore!
After that, The Writer Librarian is talking about Alien Research, and Feeling Fictional, Bring on the Books, and Open Book Society all have new reviews of the bookie wookie up as well.
The SDSU Writers' Conference was great. In addition to getting to spend tons of time with the Awesome Editor, I also got to run the yap with the fantastic and talented Susan Squires, Jennifer Ashley, Erin Quinn, and Mark A. Clements, and hang out with authors Shelley Coriell, Jeff Mariotte, Henry Herz, and Lisanne Norman. All this PLUS I got to spend time with several Members of the Alien Collective in Very Good Standing including Glen, Allison, Joseph, and Mariann. All while celebrating my birthday in style. It was a fantastic weekend, and if you're an aspiring author or one on the brink, I can't recommend this conference highly enough.
Of course, there was more to the trip than just the conference. For all that plus many things geeky and nerdy, check out the latest edition of More Geek Than Gay either in audio or on YouTube. Then, for a little retro (as in earlier this month) fun, check out Blogging With Badger and his brush with fame via The Dish -- read all the way to the end for the big reveal!
Speaking of reveals, the ebook version of Kaiju Rising is out to the Kickstarter backers, as is the final cover for the physical books! Head over to SF Signal to get a bigger look, and get ready to read my short story, "With Bright Shining Faces" by moi writing as J.C. Koch along with a ton of other awesome shorts soon, very soon. (Perhaps sooner than you think...)
Speaking of Kickstarter anthologies (oh, yes we were), there's still time to get in on Unidentified Funny Objects 3. And there are still a couple of tuckerizations of mine left, so if you want to be immortalized in some way in the story I'll be writing for this anthology, or just see what I and all the other awesome authors involved do with it, then head on over and fund as you're able.
Speaking of short stories (yes, we definitely were), I'm doing several for Penumbra eZine this year. And why do you care, aside from the fact that it's moi writing them? You care because each and every one of them will be set in the Alien series universe. That's right -- the Clockwork Universe anthology has sparked a trend! AND, the first one, coming out in May (just like Clockwork Universe, and Alien Collective), will be something you've all been waiting for -- how Reader met Gower. I know! It's too happy to be true! But wait! There's more!
Each month Penumbra offers you fantastic fiction on a theme. And right now, they're offering you The Gini Special -- instead of paying $3.99 an issue, you'll get a year's subscription for just $24.00; that's half price. But there's more! You'll also get the Best of Penumbra 2012 AND 2013. That's a full year's subscription for half price plus two free Best Of collections and three Alien series shorts that will only be available in long as you use this coupon code (exactly as shown here) when you order: 2014Gini
This offer is good only through August 1, 2014, so don't miss out and get your subscription going today!
Last but in no way least, a reminder that I'll be heading to Daytona Beach, FL and Coastal Magic Con in a week. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! If you haven't registered but still want to go, send me an email, and I'll give you the legal "back door" into registration.
That's it for today, but as always, there's more on the way. So enjoy the downward slide towards the weekend, those who watch enjoy the Superbowl and its commercials, and let's all be readers out there! Peace out, my li'l gangstas, and I'll catch you on the flip side!
Labels: Alien Collective, Alien Research, Clockwork Universe, Coastal Magic, Erin Quinn, gini koch, J.C. Koch, Jennifer Ashley, Kaiju Rising, Kickstarter, Penumbra, Superbowl, Susan Squires, Unidentified Funny Objects 3