Saturday, February 27, 2010

Archetypes, Stereotypes & Cliches

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, I was invited to do a guest blog over at the totally cool Dark Faerie Tales website ( Topic is my take on Archetypes, Stereotypes & Cliches.

So, head on over there and have a read, and, while you're there, check their site out. It's wicked in all the good ways!


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Friday, February 19, 2010

Oh. Wow!

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, I have some very exciting news.

Diana Tixier Herald, of Genreflecting fame, just gave "Touched by an Alien" a 5 star review at Genrefluent! 5 stars. F-i-v-e stars. 5. Wow. I'm so thrilled -- it's a great feeling to have someone who really knows her stuff give your book a stellar review.

Or go directly to the review at GoodReads (

Wish you'd heard this already? Why not sign up for Hook Me Up! today? With lots more coming, including contests you won't want to miss, get onto Hook Me Up! and get all the news first and fastest. Send an email to with Hook Me Up! in the subject line, and you're in! It's just that easy.

But...go read that review first. That 5 star review.

I'm going to bounce around in my chair a little more while you do that.


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Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Interview!

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, there's a new interviewee in town, and it's me! Check out Mystic Visions ( where they have an interview up with yours truly!

"Touched by an Alien" is popping up all over the web and the blogosphere. It's an exciting time and everyone loves my cover...'cause it rocks! Let me know where you find it -- every day it's somewhere new!

There's more coming here soon, too, so keep those eyeballs peeled! And read up on all that's already here on the site -- the upcoming contest is going to test your knowledge!


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Monday, February 1, 2010

The Creation Agent, Installment 7

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, the latest installment of my online, serialized novel, "The Creation Agent" (available only for my web readers), is up. Go to Expanded Universes and have a read!

Haven't read it yet? All of the preceding installments are there, so you can catch up.

Haven't read the first excerpt from "Touched by an Alien", coming from DAW Books on April 6, 2010? Head over to Deathless Prose and take a look!

Have somehow missed my mentioning that you can pre-order "Touched by an Alien" right now from,, or (How, would be the question, but anyway...) Well, you can. So get your pre-orders in immediately, if not sooner!

Lots more coming in the near future, so check the site often. Or, if you'd like to know immediately when there's something new or exciting going on, sign up for my Hook Me Up! subscribers list. Go to Extra Me for directions (or, just send an email to with "Hook Me Up!" in the subject line, and you'll be all set).

Oh, and as a mention...I'm going to be launching my first contest (ever! Whoo hoo!), and not only will my Hook Me Up! subscribers know about it first, they'll also get clues no one else does. So, why not sign up today so you don't miss anything or miss out?


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