Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So Many Things, So Little Time

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, there's a lot going on in Gini Land.

My 'debut' as part of SF Signal's Mind Meld column is live today! Check it out to see how I and a lot of other well-known authors answer the question of what are The Best Aliens in Science Fiction. (

I'd like to mention that I was totally restrained and didn't bring up my own, personal aliens once. I know! What professionalism! Be awed, be impressed, but be speedy and go read the answers!

Next up, "Touched by an Alien" is out early in some places. So, if you pre-ordered (particularly from Barnes & Noble), it seems like you'll be getting your books this week. If you didn't, check your local bookstores and see if you can score a copy early. Please let me know if and where you find it prior to the official release date.

Since the book is out there, I've been getting some lovely reader reviews, for which I'm beyond stoked and, naturally, cannot wait to share with all of you. Links will take you to a variety of reviews, most recent are listed first.

Book Mom:
Pearls Cast Before a McPig:
B&N Review by Harriet Klausner:
Good Reads review by Diana Tixier Herald:

Have a review of "Touched by an Alien"? Let me know so I can share it on the Blah, Blah, Blah blog!

And then there's everything else. Don't forget to get your entries in for my first contest. Go to my Win Stuff page for all the details. The prize is cool already, and you'll for sure want to have a shot at the 'extra' I'm tossing in. The contest's official close date is this Thursday, April 1st, so hurry up! (BTW, HMU! subscribers get until Sunday, April 4th to enter, so if you're not in with the cool kids yet, send an email to with "Hook Me Up!" in the subject line and you'll be in with some extra contest time!)

For those of you in or around the Phoenix area, I'll be signing "Touched by an Alien" at the Chaparral Suites in Scottsdale, AZ on Saturday, April 17th. Let me know if you're planning to come!

Watch the Blah, Blah, Blah blog for updates on where I'm guest blogging or being interviewed. There's a lot that'll be going on this week and next, particularly on the 6th, so you're all forewarned about the barrage of Gini-ness heading your way!


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Friday, March 26, 2010

Straightening Up the House

Well, so to speak.

There's been a whirlwind of activity here at the website, and I thought I'd remind you of all that's going on.

Check out the Spotlight page. There are two interviews with two awesome writers, Chris Stevenson and Celina Summers. Both have great books you can buy -- I know you'll enjoy them.

Celina also has some awesome news. Her novella, "Bride of Death", which is the first book of her Mythos series, just cracked the top fifty on the Fictionwise bestseller list! Here's the blurb, and, blurb or no, I can promise you a well-researched, interesting, sexy and exciting read:

When the mischievous god of love targets Hades, the god of death falls hopelessly in love with the spring maiden Persephone, the one immortal most ill-suited for his dark domain. Her mother Demeter will never allow the Lord of the Underworld to court her beloved daughter. The king of the gods proposes an unconventional solution: Hades may kidnap Persephone and take her to the Underworld to woo her. If Persephone agrees to marry Hades, Zeus will support the match.

But neither god has reckoned on Demeter's inconsolable grief at the loss of her daughter. If Persephone is not returned to her, the goddess has vowed to destroy all life. Can Hades win Persephone's heart before her mother discovers who has taken her? Or will Persephone make her own wishes known as the intended bride of death? Even in the world of immortals, time is not on Hades' side.

What else is going on? Well, check out my Datebook for upcoming events, and scroll through the Blah, Blah, Blah blog to catch where I've guest blogged, been interviewed, and find early reviews of "Touched by an Alien".

Is there more? Of course there's more! Don't miss out on my first contest -- head over to Win Stuff and see what's going on and get your entries in! Remember, the contest deadline is Thursday, April 1 for regular web fans...but it's Sunday, April 4 for Hook Me Up! subscribers.

Seriously, you're not on Hook Me Up! yet? Why not? It's how you hear the Gini news first and fastest, how you get extra clues for contests, have Hook Me Up! only events, and much, much more. It's free and easy to join. Just send an email to with Hook Me Up! in the subject line and, whomp, there it is, you're on the list.

Check out the Ask Gini section on the Extra Me! page. It's where I'm answering reader questions. Have one? Send an email to and I'll get it answered and posted for all to see. Such a deal, right?

More coming, including the release of "Touched by an Alien", some news on "Alien Tango" (coming in December 2010), and the contest winners. I know, I know! How, truly, can you not stay glued to the screen?


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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another Day? Check. Another Interview? Double Check!

The hits just keep on coming over here. As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, cool and fun author Amber Scott has an interview with me, large and in charge, over at her website blog today.

Head over to The Amber Scott Project (, have a read, and, if you're so inclined, answer her vitally important questions and learn more about me. I know, I know, how can you resist?


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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another Awesome Spotlight Interview!

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, the hits just keep on coming these days. And next up on our hit parade is an interview with Celina Summers, author of the excellent The Asphodel Cycle series!

Like everyone I interview, she's totally awesome, and she talks with us about with it's like to both an author and an editor. I don't think she ever sleeps, but she writes a lot, so hurry on over to my Spotlight page and enjoy getting to know Celina.

Still haven't jumped on the Hook Me Up! bandwagon? Why not? You get it all first, fastest, and freshest. Just send an email to with Hook Me Up! in the subject line, and there you are, all taken care of.

As hard as it is to believe, "Touched by an Alien" releases in less than two weeks! (I told you the time would fly...) It's not to late to pre-order your copy from,, or You know, do that right after you go learn all the cool info about Celina. It's the thing to do to solve the mid-week blues.


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Monday, March 22, 2010

More Touched by an Alien for YOU

You read that right. As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, the next excerpt, aka the rest of Chapter 1, of "Touched by an Alien" is up and live on my website. Click on over to my Deathless Prose page and enjoy the reading.

Still haven't pre-ordered? Is that even POSSIBLE with all my nagging? If so, there's still time to pre-order your copy from,, or, then have it shipped or pick it up on April 6, 2010. (So near and yet so far...)

But not all that far for some. One eager reader has already scored a copy of "Touched by an Alien" from her local bookstore. See her review at her (cute and fun) blog Pearls Cast Before a McPig (

Oh, and if you missed it, Diana Tixier Herald also has a review of "Touched by an Alien" up at Good Reads (

Somehow still not on Hook Me Up! yet? One wonders about you, but it's not too late to get in on the early news, info, updates and action. Just send an email to with Hook Me Up! in the subject line, and there you are, all taken care of.

Keep your eyes on the website, because there's even more coming and soon!


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Friday, March 19, 2010

Bad Dog Mommy!

As my Hook Me Up! Subscribers already know, I have a new humor short up at Random Musings. Head on over to my Expanded Universes page for a laugh or two. And while you're there, check out the other pieces in Random Musings, The Misadventures of Kiki, and The Creation Agent. You'll want to be up to date, at least if you want to win the contest! And, you know, be all up to date.

Not on Hook Me Up! yet and somehow not tired of me asking that? Well, stop putting it off and join the party. Get the news first, freshest and fastest. Just send an email to with Hook Me Up! in the subject line, and there you are, 'in'.

Pre-ordered "Touched by an Alien" yet? Get it anywhere and everywhere, but for sure from, or Or, you know, if you feel you must wait, it'll be live on the bookshelves on April 6, 2010. Which is so very, very close. (And yet, somehow, so far...)

Keep your eyes on this blog, btw, because next week is as action-packed as this one's been. (Yeah, you can really tell I'm not editing anything right now, can't you?)


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Yap Runneth Over

It's true, it's true! As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, yet another wicked cool blog has seen fit to do an interview with me. (I feel all celebrity-like! LOL) Head on over to Dark Wyrm Reads ( and have yourselves a merry little interview perusal. Then browse around over there...there's lots of interesting stuff!

Not on Hook Me Up! yet? Why ever not? It's easy to stay ahead of the Gini game -- just send an email to me ( with Hook Me Up! in the subject line and, voila, you're in! You'll get the news first and fastest, as well as hearing about things, like signings and contests, first.

Speaking of contests, you still have time to get your answers in for my first, running now. After you hang out at Dark Wyrm, head over to my Win Stuff page and check it out.


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Monday, March 15, 2010

Spotlight: Chris Stevenson

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, I have a new interview up on my Spotlight page, and it's with author Chris Stevenson. Chris is both a great writer and an awesome guy, so you'll definitely want to read his interesting and funny interview.

Not on Hook Me Up! yet? It's never too late to join, especially right now, with my contest running! Check out my Win Stuff page for details. Oh, and Hook Me Up! subscribers get clues and all sorts of extras. Really, there's no excuse not to join -- just drop me a line to with Hook Me Up! in the subject line, and you're in!

So, go get to know Chris Stevenson a little better, get yourself signed up for Hook Me Up!, and stay tuned...there's a lot more coming!


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Friday, March 12, 2010

Contest Questions Are Up!

Here it is, what you've been waiting for! Head over to my Win Stuff page and take a look at the questions for my first contest.

When you think you have the answers, send an e-mail to with "Contest 1 Answers" in the subject line. Give the best answers you can to questions 1-13 and may those with the best Gini Knowledge win!

Remember, the contest closes to all but my Hook Me Up! subscribers on Thursday, April 1, so don't wait, get your answers in today and good luck to all of you!


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Monday, March 8, 2010

Another Day, Another Guest Blog

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, I'm running the yap again as a guest blogger at yet another cool site. This one is Kris Tualla's Author & Writing Blog ( where I'm sharing that 'I Give You Permission!'

Hope you enjoy it!

Not on Hook Me Up! yet? Well, why the heck not? You get all the Gini News first and fastest, get notified about contests and other cool things first, and generally get to be in with the in crowd. It's easy to join -- just send an email to with Hook Me Up! in the subject line, and there you are, a member of the coolest gang in cyberspace (if I do say so myself...which I do).


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Sunday, March 7, 2010

My First Contest Is Alive!

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, my first contest is alive, well, and beginning now. Head over to my Win Stuff page and check out the rules as well as the awesome prize options. (I'll give you a hint -- the winner is going to get a signed book from awesome author Erin Quinn, writing as Erin Grady, plus a little something extra from me...I know! TOO cool!)

If you aren't on Hook Me Up! yet, now's the time to join. My HMU! subscribers will get the contest questions first, as well as some clues, plus they'll have a short extension date to get their answers in -- that those of you only reading the Blah, Blah, Blah Blog won't get. (I's not fair, is it? Unless, of course, you sign up for Hook Me Up!, and then life's great.)

Good luck to all, and may the one with the best Gini Knowledge win!


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Saturday, March 6, 2010

You Asked For It

And I'm delivering!

As my Hook Me Up! subscribers already know, I've gotten a lot of questions coming to my email, and it dawned on me (slowly) that if one person's asking, others may want to know; and if lots of people are asking, then likely even more want to know. Possibly everybody wants to know. Even me.

So, in the attempt to be fully transparent, or whatever the current 'in' phrase is, I'm adding "Ask Gini" to my Extra Me! page. I have the first set of Q & A's up, and will be adding more as questions come in.

Don't be shy. If you have a question for me you haven't asked yet, feel free to go for it. (You know, like everyone else has; at least, so it seems.) Just send me an e-mail ( with your question/s, and I'll post the question and answer as soon as I can.

Thanks for being a curious bunch, and feel free to keep the queries coming.


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